Getting your child to brush their teeth can be a battle but the challenge is well worth it. Dental caries (better known as tooth decay or cavities) is a disease, not just a hole in the tooth. The pain and suffering due to untreated tooth decay can lead to problems in eating, speaking and paying attention in school. In other words, cavities hurt. One way to avoid cavities is to make sure your child brushes twice a day, every day with a soft bristled brush and floss once every day. This comes directly from the top, the American Dental Association. Unfortunately, until your child is about six years old, he will not have the coordination to brush his teeth on his own. We recommend the child get the process started and then the parent finish to make sure all teeth are cleaned. As your child get older, show him how to brush with fluoride toothpaste and floss on his own. There are many types of flavors on the market. Find one that your child likes. As parents, we pick our battles. The battle of brushing is worth it!