Do you know how much money is currently in your Flexible Spending Account? With the year quickly racing by, and your last opportunity to “use it” before you “lose it,” you owe it to yourself to check on the balance today. There is nothing worse than tossing away your hard-earned income.
If you still have money in your account, and are due for a cleaning or any other type of follow-up care, just give us a call at 320-587-2726 and we’ll schedule an appointment for you. Or, if you prefer, you can notify us what times work best to book an appointment using our online system.
Then, next year, so you’re not caught in the same sort of scramble, the below three tips will help you plan ahead.
- Make your first cleaning of the year sometime in the first quarter
- Should you need a follow up procedure, schedule it as soon as possible
- If we suggest a treatment plan requiring multiple visits, let us know your FSA balance. Sometimes, it may make sense to straddle your visit across two years to fully realize your dental benefits.
Starting the year off early and working with us to develop a solid plan of action will ensure you never leave a single dollar on the table.